Disclaimer: Views are of the blogger's own and does not (necessarily) reflect actual common-sense.

Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Gonna change some stuff

To be honest, John is already planning to do some changes for A Requiem From Winter Past. The reason why being that some of the names used now look like a bad idea despite quite the opposite last time around. It's like using 박여신 as the visual blueprint of Alestrial Eliaden. A good idea last time around?

A dumb idea which shouldn't be pulled off in the first place?

To be honest, what John did in the name of fun shouldn't be seen as fun. In this sense, he's effectively Raistlin teaching magic to a kender.

The reason why John decides to implement further changes was that some of them didn't... well, feel right. Artistic creativity thrives on a different set of rules compared to making a deal. You don't rely on the feel for the latter, but the former is definitely the opposite. The feel didn't... well, feel right. If the changes start coming in, it means relevant alterations to be done for the relevant posts (i.e. those under A Requiem From Winter Past and Just Follow Lore labels). Thankfully, John is a sea otter instead of a river otter (e.g. Xiaxue, Yan Kay Kay, Dee Kosh, and Tan Jian Hao). Hence, he can take his own sweet time doing so with nary a repercussion.

Changes to be expected
John will do this via point form. At the same time, this will be split into three parts. Those who have been bored enough to read A Requiem From Winter Past should know the story (so far) is separated into two main POVs. The first is the protagonist's POV where Aeravor has been proven to be an anti-heroic jerk. The second is the deuteragonist's POV where Gael Kodr has been proven to be both the typical under-privileged person and this kind of person.

Teil Eins
"We all will die. You can face your executioner like a coward or you can laugh in its face like an arrogant bastard."


Teil Eins is the German word for Part One. The reason why John uses German for Aeravor's part is that his creativity's feel chose to associate the Germanic people with battles and conflict.

1. The Vánagandr will be renamed Relentless Ones in order to retain that lupine feel. Aeravor's name, however, remains unchanged.

2. Salandra will be renamed Alandra. Yes, that's a piece of lazy Korean modification coming from John L'Otter. Additional lazy Korean modding below.

3. Aeravor no longer has a dad named Ostiel. Instead, the same dad will go by the name Istel.

4. John may need to play fashionista where Aeravor's dad is concerned. Certain aspects of visual aesthetics should never be experimented with from the beginning. A good idea back then, but not so good an idea now.

5. Erik Sohren will be renamed Erik Soaren. Just don't ask John why.

6. Gleipnir, Thviti, and Gjöll are no longer legit. They will be done away with. In their stead, the abilities will be renamed Bind, Mark, and Fury. The process of modding may or may not be involved.

Deuxième Partie
"Heroes don't belong to the privileged. That'd be too boring anyway."
~Cale Ryvers

Deuxième Partie has got nothing to do with French parties. It is the French term for Part Two. So no, Part Deux is definitely not legit French. Deuxième Partie, on the other hand, is. The reason why John uses French for this part was due to his creativity's feel associating the French with romantics. And when it comes to being a romantic, it means stuff like dreaming about love and wanting to be a hero.

1. Alestrial Eliaden will have her last name intact. However, her full name will be changed to Irevia Eliaden.

2. Above point is John playing around with how the word Ireland was derived from the Irish word Éire. Which is actually the original/real name of Ulsterland.

3. Pronunciation of Irevia should sound like "ay-er-via" with the soft "er". So please do not pronounce it as if her name sounds like some sort of plant. Also, Ulsterland is intended as a joke at Ireland's expense. It's like using the word bat country, but only sevenfold more complimentary.

Láeg: We can't stop here. This is bat country.

Cú Chulainn: ... ... ... ... ... ...

*Meanwhile somewhere out there in Singapore*

4. Gael Kodr will be renamed as Cale Ryvers. To be honest, when John first came up with the name Gael Kodr, it really felt forced.

5. John is pretty sure no one remembered Victis Blaem. That is unless someone has too much time to burn. Either way, Victis Blaem will be renamed Freis Arnter. Two reasons why: The first is that Victis Blaem sounds a bit like Victim Blame (i.e. victim blaming). The next reason is that John used to be more hot-headed when it came to justice. Hopefully not like how Kiritsugu killed his dad.

6. Leonum Flammeus will be renamed Lionhearts. This is because John needs to move away from using actual foreign language in a fantasy world. And yes, Leonum Flammeus is a Latin term. At least the last time John checked.

7. Because Torve Mowbray is inspired by a real-life Mowbray, John decided to make some modding. 1986 was a special year and it had got nothing to do with anyone being born during that time. Torve Mowbray will be renamed Torve Lovens.

8. Gareth Southgate remains a post-1986 legend. Not to mention as well a tactically smart bloke as a coach. Sadly, Garev Southgate will be done away with. Same bloke, different name. He will be renamed Grett Mains. And no, Grett is unrelated to Brett the Hitman.

Pars Tres
"Never a hero and never will be. That's my life."
~Jinn el-Lish

"I don't fight to save people. It's just that my pride shares the same enemy."
~Eijon de Morte

Erm, no. Pars is a real word but it has got nothing to do with another Pars. At the same time, Tres has got nothing to do with some guy whose name sounds like Tres. Rather, Pars Tres is the Latin term for Part Three. In this part, John will be writing about changes done to miscellaneous stuff.

1. The names for elven characters will be undergoing some tweaking. While the idea of a French feel won't be touched, the first names will be associated with three alphabets: A, E, and I. This also applies to the Relentless Ones.

2. The Sidhe Court is no longer existent. In its stead will be D'Estat. Basically, it's the same thing but with a different name.

3. No more Seelie and Unseelie. The Seelie will be renamed the Hands of the Crown while the Unseelie will be the Feet of the Throne. This is to reflect the former's role in politics and the latter's role in the military.

4. The capital city of Airgetlám will be renamed D'Argatem. Notice a pattern here?

5. Utnapishtim is no longer called Utnapishtim. Instead, that underground city of religion will be renamed Deis. Yes, John knows. Deis is effectively deism minus the last alphabet.

6. Claudea von Stormhearth will no longer be a name inspired by any girl named Claudia. The previous monarch of the elves will be renamed Aladea von Stormhearth.

7. The two heroes in a queen's life will face the same fate. Jinn el-Gilgam will be renamed Jinn el-Lish. Gandr de Morte, on the other hand, is now renamed Eijon de Morte. Eijon is effectively Dijon with the D replaced while el-Lish is... well, the second part of Enuma Elish. And you think Roshamahat al-Akkhad is to be the only Sumerian-Akkadian influenced presence?

8. Grail as a term referring to a special type of weapons will no longer be used. Relic(s) will be the new term.

9. Out of the Big Three of the sellsword industry, the Men of Redmarch will be untouched. The Valkyries will be renamed Knightroses while Elfstein will be changed to Swordcloaks.

10. One interesting note is this: The Swordcloaks are considered fighters operating outside the elven territory. However, there's another side of the coin operating from within D'Argatem. Namely, the Daggercloaks. It's inspired by simple English justifying organisations like the CIA, KGB, and Mossad.

11. Gráinne von Stormhearth will be renamed Ineis von Stormhearth.

12. Bryll de Hallstone will be renamed Auranc de Hallstone.

13. Dullahan de Morte will be renamed Essail de Morte.

14. Edeaux de Serpentwine stays the same due to the letter E being used.

15. Roin de Bladefort will be renamed Ioin de Bladefort. This change has got nothing to do with the baddest broLet alone actual history.

16. Arondight will be renamed Kain. His full name Kain Lamrec remains untouched. Whether this is to be a Cain and Abel reference, however...

17. That fictional "Tamil" guy named Tristan Aias now goes by the name Osseus. The source of inspiration hailed from a Greek sea otter named Odysseus whose claim to fame was brains trumping brawn. As for the likes of Achilles, Hector, and Aias, they're actually river otters who believed in brawn trumping brains. No intended association with death btw.

18. No more Irish for the four seasons. Instead, Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter are considered both the four seasons and four elements.

P.S: As a Singaporean (sea) otter, John isn't interested in pitting Singapore against the Greeks, (indigenous) Chinese, etc. He's more interested in seeing whether Hollywood can outdo this guy.

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