Disclaimer: Views are of the blogger's own and does not (necessarily) reflect actual common-sense.

Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Weird (Music) Therapy

It's been an emotional joyride to hell and back again. Lately, my run in Gwent was wretched. I suspect I need to place Scoia'tael as my fifth faction instead of one of my main four for seasonal. That actually depends on how much mead my Skellige deck can hold. Maybe I should just stop at rank 13. That should be good enough. For some reason, my luck in terms of card draw and redraw suggests I'm a son of a Brokvar.

In other news, my impulsiveness got the better of me again. Actually, it's because of the above-mentioned reason. This time around in the form of Lord of the Rings Online. However, I suspect I may end up migrating to Arkenstone server for good since I did a Google and consensus was that Arkenstone is the number one choice for Asian gamers. But there's a catch: Arkenstone is said to lag like crazy at times and already I've seen it first hand.

Playing LOTRO was a mixture of motion sickness and self-determination caused by life without a future or tomorrow. The foes and strangers during the days of schoolyard democracy in my life might have either no problem with Darwinian authority or resigned to it like some fatalistic bystander. As a victim, I ended up saying to the system... well, I don't know if the Ainu language does include vulgarity equivalent to the international two-word language. Figuratively, of course.

There are a lot of things to adapt to and I can see why LOTRO refuses to roll over and die. Actually, I suspect the game is far from dead. To be honest, I don't mind spending money to get the expansions, new quests, etc. I don't remember any game being able to goad this from me in a manner like this. Maybe there's still a Tolkien idealist in this Japanese dark fantasy fanboy. Unfortunately, it's going to take either an insane girl or an insanely brave Oai/Kitsuno to put that to test. Hence, the インポシブル, no matter what.

Right now, I only have one character: Captain Brandilgar of Rohan. I'm not joking here by the way. That's actually thanks to Gwent. There's no point for me to quit because I've spent enough on building my decks (i.e. except for Syndicate since I'm never as rich as Robert De Niro or Al Pacino). And besides. I suspect the auto-matchmake system is actually smart enough to know whether you lost due to a wretched hand. I've seen gamers who lost significantly more than they won, yet within the top ten. If this isn't intelligently rigged, I don't know what else is.

This comes to mind the million mithril currency question: How am I going to make Brandilgar function like a decent tactician? That's a good question which I've yet to come up with an answer to. For now, however, I know which Virtues to use. At least for the first two slots. As for the subsequent three should I start spending currency? This and this. I'm indeed no fan of Hollywood heroism, but rather a liker for non-Hollywood heroism.

This post, per suggested via the title, is all about some of the music capable of calming me down. Why I said it's weird? Well, it's because it's never like this one below.

Rather, it's like these below.

Below two songs are synonymous with laughing in the most un-Singaporean way.

P.S: In Tolkien's great imagination, he conceived the Ainur. Because he's clearly not God, I doubt he knew about the Ainu.

Final P.S: Me getting a bear-bro? That has to wait. And besides, I don't even know whether the guy from Rohan is the correct fit.

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