Disclaimer: Views are of the blogger's own and does not (necessarily) reflect actual common-sense.

Wednesday, 14 February 2024

A Valentine's Day for no one

Valentine's Day is the day for lovebirds to flock together. If it sounds romantic, it probably is. That is for those with the other halves. There is a reason why I made fun of myself by calling myself an incel. That was how I felt in my school years. Of course, people do mature. The same goes for me. I'm no Thorfinn from Vinland Saga, but I did grow up to be someone who can live without relationships. Give me a choice, and I want friends I can confide in. As it turned out, however, I don't. Is it the end of the world? Well, the answer is no. My mental fortitude is such that I can live in isolation. I know it sounds weird, but the likes of Guts from Berserk were never that fictional. If there is any advice I can give, it'd be this: Don't just survive, but live. To survive is to be an animal. To live is to be human.

Recently, I came across a post involving Swifties gushing about how Taylor "no Gone in 60 Seconds jokes, please" Swift's songs represent women. Then they asked men whether there was anyone like that for them. My answer to such a question is this: It is good enough to see part of myself in this person or that character. I don't have to validate myself by seeing my entirety in one place or another. Living with dignity means you don't subject yourself to comparisons with this person or that person. Your life is not the other person's life. It is not meant to be a pitiable facsimile of another individual.

With that said, there are songs in which I do see part of myself. Unlike the Swifties, I don't base my preference on one singer or the other. I base my taste on songs, not the singers. Before I start this post, I decided to put up two scenes of Vinland Saga. The first reminded me of our world, while the other reminded me of what kind of man I want to be.

Because I don't keep track of the songs I've shared before in this blog, there's a high chance of songs repeating themselves.

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