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This song was what John had in mind when doing this post. After all, Gael is a legit word.
Note: Originally, John intended to do some strategy/tactics guide to this year's World Cup@Sochi. But because this post was already halfway done by the time he made this crazy statement on FB, he might as well finish the whole damn thing.
Add note: Did a minor change to Aeravor's focus usage stat. Since John decided to use the Resolve parameter as the direct modifier (although John didn't know whether this was the right word since otters can only understand basic English), Aeravor's focus usage is now stated as -19% Focus depletion.
Add note: Did a minor change to Aeravor's focus usage stat. Since John decided to use the Resolve parameter as the direct modifier (although John didn't know whether this was the right word since otters can only understand basic English), Aeravor's focus usage is now stated as -19% Focus depletion.
Gael Kodr
Primary parameters:
Starting secondary parameters:
Base damage: 20.5% of equipped weapon's maximum damage [13% starting base damage; 2% bonus via the Samhradh deum; 5.5% class bonus]
Maximum hit points: 40000
Physical resistance: -30% damage taken
Movement speed: 7% [7% starting movement speed]Attacking speed: 15% [5% starting attacking speed; 10% fighting style bonus]
Critical hit: 17.5%; based on target having 100% hit points [10% starting critical hit; 7.5% class bonus]
Critical weapon damage: 155% of equipped weapon's maximum damage [150% starting critical weapon damage; 5% class bonus]
Maximum focus: 190% [10% profession bonus]
Focus usage: -15% Focus depletion [Resolve score of 15]
Magic resistance: 70%
Critical effect: 40%
Maximum focus: 190% [10% profession bonus]
Focus usage: -15% Focus depletion [Resolve score of 15]
Magic resistance: 70%
Critical effect: 40%
Nurture: Fighter; Brawl; Soldier
They say nurturing an individual will decide which path shall be taken. Some are craftsmen and some turned out to be whores. There are those working their lives away in honest living or frittering away their lives as wastrels belonging to the nobility. Then there are sellswords of every kind while heroes tend to appear should the world see burning, looting, killing, and raping happening all over itself like some abominable disease.
Nurture refers to the character's way of dealing with the trials and tribulations ahead, hence it confers certain bonuses from the beginning of the game. Class affects the parameters while fighting style influences the way a character fights a combat. As for profession, it affects specific ways of an individual's approach in a world no different from a living crucible.
Class: Fighter
[+0.5% base damage bonus per point in Strength]
[+0.5% base critical hit bonus per point in Resolve]
[+5% to starting critical damage]
Fighting style: Brawl
[Starting attacking speed is set at 10%]
[Standard attacks deal 3% more damage after the third hit so long as any target keeps getting hit]
Profession: Soldier
[Starting maximum focus is increased by 10%]
[First melee weapon attack during combat from any enemy is automatically parried]
[Terrain sensor gauge is always set at 35% in rocky terrain]
Nature: Samhradh; Vanir; A Lion Amongst Men
Nature: Samhradh; Vanir; A Lion Amongst Men
Nature is about two things. Namely, what and who. The former refers to existence while the latter refers to identity. One is physical, the other of the mind and emotions. Nature is one side of a coin while nurture forms the other. Hence, nature gives another set of abilities from the beginning of the game.
Deum: Samhradh
[Critical hit chance bonus via Dexterity increases to 3% per point whenever levelling up]
[Starting base damage bonus is increased by 2%]
[+1 Strength (Original Strength score-10)]
Trait: Vanir
[Takes 2% less damage against demons]
[Minimum damage dealt against demons is capped at 5% of target's maximum hit points]
Path: A Lion Amongst Men
[Gains 0.5% damage resistance against all damage types per 2% of maximum hit points missing including temporary hit points. Damage resistance cannot exceed the maximum amount of -80% damage taken]
[Gains 10% damage bonus against all enemy types whenever under any temporary hit points buff]
[Unable to use any thaumaturgy power, but is able to use two metallurgy powers instead of just one]
[Gains 10% damage bonus against all enemy types whenever under any temporary hit points buff]
[Unable to use any thaumaturgy power, but is able to use two metallurgy powers instead of just one]
Drive and Overdrive: Mortalis; Fatalis
Drive and Overdrive: Mortalis; Fatalis
Drive and Overdrive, the two powers which also form a part, if not a major portion, of the individual's identity. Both powers can only be actively triggered. A Drive can be done in any moment of combat, but an Overdrive can only be done if the Focus gauge is at least 70% full. Should the individual's life force falls to a certain level (40% of maximum hit points or below), the Overdrive will be even more powerful than normally expected. Drive powers can be used without restrictions, but usage requires sufficient stamina. As for Overdrive powers, they can only be used once per day.
Drive: Mortalis
Mortality is always the sword none can avoid, for it is everywhere. Even more so in places of conflict. It is not just about the presence of death, but rather a contradiction dictating life as the justification for death. A single thrust will first be executed. If the hit connects, the weapon is pulled out from the target, after which an elegant leaping downward strike will hit the enemy from behind. The first hit will restore a portion of hit points equivalent to 50% of the damage. If the second hit connects while Gael Kodr is at full hit points, temporary hit points will be conferred at 25% of the maximum amount. Any opponent hit by the second strike will be knocked down.
Overdrive: Fatalis
Fatality is the other side of mortality, for both belong to the same coin. If mortality is the sword, then fatality is the hand guiding it. The second hit of Mortalis will result in additional 20% increase in damage and invulnerability for 5 seconds with Gael Kodr fully healed. Fatalis can only be executed after the first hit of Mortalis. All effects of Mortalis are retained.
Aspects: Berserk; Chivalry; Heroism
Aspects deal with the important details of the individual's life. Like how a body is made up of many parts, life is like a structure comprising of gears moving constantly. Aspects are all about paths an individual chooses. However, only one can be chosen. Once the character reaches level 4, a choice must be made on which path to take. From that point, the chosen aspect will progress from one tier to the next. At level 4, the first tier will be unlocked. At level 20, the second tier will be unlocked. Once the character reaches level 40, the final tier will be unlocked.
Berserk-Some people say madness is a prelude to a beast being born. Others assert that madness is a proof of divine retribution. Either way, insanity has always been the most convenient way to separate the unworthy from the worthy. Yet, there may truly be those capable of mocking the wise by proving that madness can result in something much more than animalistic behaviour and unwarranted accusations of the most heinous sins.
Tier 1
Violent Blood: At the start of any combat, there's a 20% chance of damage increasing by 15% until the end of combat. This effect will always trigger against boss enemies. Violent Blood can only be triggered once per day.
Violent Blood: At the start of any combat, there's a 20% chance of damage increasing by 15% until the end of combat. This effect will always trigger against boss enemies. Violent Blood can only be triggered once per day.
Tier 2
Vicious Rage: Whenever Violent Blood triggers, stamina is increased by 50% while the maximum focus is increased by 30% until the end of combat.
Tier 3
Tier 3
Primal Fury: Whenever a metallurgy power is triggered, Violent Blood and Vicious Rage will be activated as well. If both are already in effect before the metallurgy power is triggered, Primordial will be activated instead. Primordial heals for full hit points with 100% of the amount given as temporary hit points as well. Temporary hit points cannot exceed 100% of the maximum hit points amount.
Chivalry-In a world where everyone does as he or she pleases, this means men tend to get away with many things, if not all things. This is even more so when it comes to dealing with women. In any such society, chivalry is meant to be laughed at. Yet, the Teutonians never forgot what it means to respect those of the other gender. Even if it means shackling them with good intentions. However, the elves viewed this as a corruption of what chivalry should be like. Protection is only to be done for the worthy, even when it comes to women. As for the definition of worthy, nothing is said from those who know it best.
Chivalry-In a world where everyone does as he or she pleases, this means men tend to get away with many things, if not all things. This is even more so when it comes to dealing with women. In any such society, chivalry is meant to be laughed at. Yet, the Teutonians never forgot what it means to respect those of the other gender. Even if it means shackling them with good intentions. However, the elves viewed this as a corruption of what chivalry should be like. Protection is only to be done for the worthy, even when it comes to women. As for the definition of worthy, nothing is said from those who know it best.
Tier 1
Living Fort: Resistance against all damage types is increased by 20% whenever under any control effect. Living Fort lasts until the control effect(s) wear off.
Tier 2
Tier 2
Aegis Spike: Whenever Living Fort triggers, any attack will provoke a retaliation with a nearby target taking damage equivalent to 75% of that attack's damage. Aegis Spike lasts as long as Living Fort.
Tier 3
Tier 3
Daring Taunt: Whenever any ally's hit points reach below 40%, Living Fort and Aegis Spike will be triggered automatically. All enemies will be taunted, thus drawing them towards Gael Kodr. Ranged attackers will not move, but rather focus their attacks on the source of taunting. Daring Taunt grants invulnerability for 3 seconds with any healing effect being twice as effective. Duration lasts for 10 seconds plus an additional 5 more seconds if at 75% of maximum hit points or above.
Heroism-What does it mean to be a hero? There are those who achieve it through their own efforts and dreams. Then there are those who became one not due to self-volition, but rather against their will. Nevertheless, a hero is always one. Whether or not 'tis a matter of never was and never will be, no one would ever care to ask.
Tier 1
A Boy's Dream: Movement speed increases by 4% if at 75% of maximum hit points or above.
Tier 2
Tier 2
A Lad's Will: Attacking speed increases by 3%.
Tier 3
Tier 3
A Man's Steel: If at least one ally is present during combat, magic resistance is increased by 20%. Any metallurgy critical effect will cause weapon damage to increase by 30%.
Feat: An Endless March
What kind of a feat can one achieve? Countless tales have been sung and many a song composed over this question taunting us for ages, but only two manners of beings can answer it. Either the finest hero that has ever lived or the greatest villain ever known. Upon unlocking all the three tiers of an aspect, the character will eventually discover the answer to this question. Before that, a trial awaits at level 50.
Where will one's journey lead to in an unforgiving world no different from a crucible? Will it be dreams fulfilled, a tragedy realised, or half of both? As a relentless youth, Gael Kodr will stop at nothing to see his future materialised. No matter how steep the price or the manner of destination, he heeds not the burden. Then again, no one can ever be a god. Hence, how can one know the future? Nonetheless, Gael Kodr's determination is always inexhaustible. If his stamina remains above 60%, his hit points will regenerate at 2% of the maximum amount. If his stamina drops below 30%, his focus will deplete 20% slower.
"My brother cursed himself as a coward. Idiot hanged himself three days after he threw that boy into my care. What else can I do apart from making sure his death wouldn't be without a damn purpose?"~Garyth Parkins
"That's it. Hear me roar!"
~Gael Kodr when activating Fatalis
"Eat this!"
~Gael Kodr when activating Mortalis
Quotes when Fatalis activates
"Wait! No one told us about this!"~random non-demonic enemy
"Fury... wrath..."
~random demonic enemy
"So the cub is now hungry..."
~Sarel Aphros
"So it now comes to this. The very end of the road for us, Gael."
~Lukas Brun
"So familiar... he looks so familiar... but why?"
"That's quite a monster you did there, boy."
~Tristan Aias
"Now I can see why Lukas called you his comrade even though his heart said much more than just a word."
~Edeaux de Serpentwine
"That dumb kid... I should have let him die."
"That's one good deed you did there, Aera."
~Lars Alterfate
"You won't survive a single stroke from me with this."
~Roin de Bladefort
"A step forward for him, one more mile apart between us..."
~Alestrial Eliaden
P.S: Yes, John did expose some spoilers. Major ones if John says so himself. Maybe he should try seeing whether making A Requiem From Winter Past into a game first before doing it in the novel format works. Then again, it'd require something like this below.
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