So does this make John L'Otter a more righteous otter than his fellow otters? Well, there's not much difference between river otters and some sea otter
John suddenly has a new hobby
For absolutely no reason at all, John decided to emulate the Emiyas instead of the Kardashians even though he's effectively an Asian otter thinking like a foreign otter. You see, the good thing about being an Emiya is that you're actually smarter than many of those in your own backyard, Singaporean or no Singaporean. You're more analytical and more holistic in assessing the situation. The phrase "Trace On" is indicative of such a trait, ditto for this vid below.
Note: The vid cut out an important scene involving the rib of an Adam (i.e. Kiritsugu) and 66 bullets created as a result. Unlike the Americans, the Japanese don't care for the petty Republican-Democrat politics so long Okinawa is safe enough for the locals and tourists alike. Maybe this was why the Notorious UBG (i.e. Uro Butch Gen) decided to give Christianity some positive PR in Fate/Zero.
So what is that new hobby?
It's called guessing how Japanese is your local Singaporean Chinese neighbour. Not to be confused with two other types of Chinese listed below.
Joking and a sense of humour Nihon-koku style aside (a statement of irony considering how twisted the Japanese can be when it comes to "all sorts of" creativity), John decided that analysing any random Chinese in Singapore is a good way to waste his life away. After all, it's a life of no tomorrow and no future in a society full of river otters.
So how do you know you're a Chinese and not some Ned Stark's bastard whose actual dad happened to be an enemy? Because John has to finish his "racism/eugenics" series, he decided to do some additional homework. Just a few questions to know whether you're the nearest person to Jon Snow:
1. Have you ever wondered why you're being bullied in school from primary school to ITE/polytechnic/JC/university for no reason at all? That any possible factors were nothing more than compounding ones and not that decisive one?
2. How narrow is your nasal bridge? As thick/medium as a fellow (average) Singaporean Chinese or as slim as a... well, Hokkaido Japanese?
3. Do your eyes boast a winding curve, be it seen at the upper or lower eyelid? If you don't understand what John is talking about, compare Carrie Wong, Gemma Chan, and Toda Erika with each other.
4. Okay, it's not exactly 100% accurate. For the lack of a better way of describing it, you'll need to check whether the alignment of your eyes does give off that straight line feel. []
5. If you're a guy, your face should look more squarish, oblong, or round. If it's more of an oval shape, that might/would explain why your life from Henderson primary school to Gan Eng Seng secondary school and beyond was one of persona non grata. Thankfully, (most likely) it has nothing to do with history and everything to do with the vicious nature of humanity, be they Japanese, Singaporeans, or the rest.
A pro-life person forced to kill his dad in order to prevent more deaths from happening.
How spectacular the fireworks of irony.
Ownself fire ownself, I quit
The past one year or so was full of ownself fire ownself and that I-quit moments. Among the more notable names would be Trey Gowdy, Bill Haslam, and Bob Corker. Just don't ask John why they're all (?) Republicans. Then you have what is arguably the highest profile case of I quit. Namely, Emperor Akihito himself. Not to be confused with Prince Akishino btw because one is the father and the other his son. And yes, John knows the first three alphabets are the same.
So how should we analyse the abdication ceremony? Or even the decision to do so in the first place? Firstly, Akihito was one smart Emperor. 9 years ago, he disclosed his "I quit" intention. 6 years later, he leaked it to the public. Unlike an unamused Kokkai, the Komin were more than happy to give their FB thumbs-up.
So why was the Kokkai unamused? Because we have a bunch of people during the Meiji era coming up with the kind of constitution saying "Thou Shalt Not Quit" when it came to the Emperor. As a result, it's very likely that Akihito's ambush tactic actually worked. So why did it take more than just a couple of years for the actual deal to happen? It's very likely because the Kokkai didn't want to be mocked as another Tokugawa shogunate by approving the abdication. A one-shot bill making this possible was definitely more of a compromise from the Kokkai than anything else.
Moral of the story? Japan is definitely a democracy blessed with one united people, be they the Kokkai, the Komin, or both.
But there's still a question yet to be answered, a mystery Akihito would most likely take with him to the grave: Why did he think that a compromise stopping short of allowing the abdication is never a good idea considering every possible factor behind his decision? After all, the dudes of Ishin working with the Sanketsutai were never a bunch of short-sighted people bereft of
But there's still a question yet to be answered, a mystery Akihito would most likely take with him to the grave: Why did he think that a compromise stopping short of allowing the abdication is never a good idea considering every possible factor behind his decision? After all, the dudes of Ishin working with the Sanketsutai were never a bunch of short-sighted people bereft of
Hopefully, this won't end up grilling John via the law of sociological physics. John wasn't attempting any act of cultural appropriation. He's just being chaotic neutral. Anyway, who'd you like to see greeting the Komin of Nihon-koku during Lunar New Year 's Eve? If it's the correct half of Korea, that'd be Moon Jae-in. A Google check (seriously, it can your BFF in fact-checking regardless of your socio-political position so long you can use your brain) popped up with... well, nothing. If Moon Jae-in was unable to make a Lunar New Year's Eve speech, what hope would we have in seeing Abe Shinzo one-upping his salty Korean counterpart? Actually, Abe was able to piss off his main (?) voter base, believe it or not. Able Abe, anyone? This was surely a feat not even Koizumi Junichiro could pull off despite being the most successful politician in recent Japanese history, amending the Consitution or no amendment to the Consitution.
Latest updates on the latest chapter
Irevia's chapter was finally done. All that's needed would be editing while making sure the word count stays at 4K+. However, there's a... well, a minor (?) change. Cinha, as a term referring to the nearest fantasy human race to East Asians, would be changed. The reason why being that the name felt corny at times. As a result, John needs to find another name which would sound better in an English flow.
A few factors were considered: Yayoi, Jomon, and the fact that Akihito was able to anger his worshippers because he's able to right from the beginning.
A few possible candidates were being considered: Yama, Yamon, Chomon, and Yaguryeo.
The winner? Yaguryeo.
The reason why? The name managed to strike a good balance between the Japanese feel and Korean feel without disrupting the English feel. After all, creativity is never about doing business deals, hence the need to have that feel.
The challenge? Implementing elements of Chinese culture.
And lastly, two songs to up
The first song is due to Chinese New Year yet to finish its 14-day course. The second song is because of... well, the Notorious UBG. The last song is caused by the next chapter of A Requiem From Winter Past.
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