Disclaimer: Views are of the blogger's own and does not (necessarily) reflect actual common-sense.

Sunday, 9 December 2018

Just some messing around...

This is most likely a post involving ideas waiting to be placed under the Just Follow Lore label... okay, that may be a lie since it will include stuff like character bios and stuff. In other words, why would John L'Otter put stuff unrelated to lore under the lore section? It's like asking Yoko Taro to create a fembot protagonist inspired by BoA wearing heels.
Beautiful girls to be exact...

Reverted and Unchanged
More ideas on Cocteau L'Enfant Naturel's very own Avengers League. In this post, Cocteau renamed those supernatural (?) beings as the Reverted. But there's a problem: Reverted sounds like something taking place halfway during your otherwise mundane life if you're Tohno Shiki walking past Arcueid Brunestud. In other words, there has to be another category for beings deemed too imba to be classified... well, normal. For every Witcher being made, there has to be an Aen Elle being born.

Without revealing much info, the Unchanged refers to the Homm'Nua (i.e. elves) and Homm'Eot (i.e. dwarves). As for the orcs, it's a case of... well, too bad. As for half-elves or half-dwarves, they're considered Unchanged as well for the most obvious (genetics) reason.

So what about the Relentless Ones? Of course, they're Unchanged as well. If not, how do you explain the below scenario?

G.R.R Trollolol doesn't do Rome
Well... sorta? Those of you who have seen A Game of Thrones should have a brief idea on what the Middle Ages looked like (minus Emilia 404 since we all know certain scenes are too good to be true for history students). When Cocteau L'Enfant Naturel decided to play around with this and that, he did something unthinkable: Instead of medieval Europe, he did a Roman Empire. It's like instead of having a go at India, he decided to have a go at his own nation otherwise known as Singapore.

This ultimately led to a challenge: How should Cocteau L'Enfant Naturel do it when it comes to other countries and people? After all, every nation is a closet where the skeletons are stashed. In this sense, there's no difference between Singapore and the U.S.

Cocteau knows the above statement sounds depressing and realistic at the same time. So please allow this L'Enfant Naturel to up an upbeat song to disperse the cynical gloom.
Character profiles?
Cocteau decides to do two for now. Namely, Aeravor and Lars Alterfate. Note that due to this being unrelated to gaming (i.e. Cocteau intends to do that but not here), the profiles are a case of stats and D20 be damned.

Age: ~240

Race: Relentless One (half-Tamurian)

Identity: Unchanged

Occupation: Mercenary (Ranger)

Likes: Kagetsu no Ji'Yeon
            Hedonistic pursuits

Dislikes: Self-righteousness
                Anything reminding him of the past
                Lars Alterfate

Also known as: Chaos Incarnate
                           Bastard of Gastony
                           Wolf of Wolves

Elemental affinity: Winter

Physical affinity: Sword

Anchor: Circle of Chaos

Notable equipment: Edge of Answerer (Relic; Longsword)

Unchanged traits: Bind
                                Magic usage


Lars Alterfate
Age: ~200

Race: Demon hunter

Identity: Reverted

Occupation: Mercenary

Likes: The past
            Beautiful girls

Dislikes: Regrets
                The fact that he's still alive

Also known as: Larry
                           Chained Beast

Elemental affinity: Autumn

Physical affinity: Arrow

Anchor: Circle of Life

Notable equipment: Chains of Judgement (Relic; Concept)

Reverted traits: Souleater
                            Hunter's Spine


Edeaux de Serpentwine
Age: ~250

Race: Elf

Identity: Unchanged

Occupation: Crime lord (Mercenary)

Likes: Controlling people

Dislikes: None

Also known as: Serpent of Histalonia

Elemental affinity: Autumn

Physical affinity: Tome

Anchor: Circle of Speech

Notable equipment: Rapier
                                   Throwing knives

Unchanged traits: Mask of Faces
                                Cloak of Sulphur
                                Denial of Oblivion
                                Magic usage


Age: N/A

Race: Human (Causacean)

Identity: N/A

Occupation: Wanderer

Likes: Seelia

Dislikes: Traitors

Also known as: Mad Knight
                           Kain Lamrec

Elemental affinity: Summer

Physical affinity: Axe

Anchor: Circle of Fire

Notable equipment: Cleaver of Mountains (Relic; Axe)
                                   A single steel gauntlet worn on the right

Traits: Maddened Wrath


Age: N/A

Race: Human (Sudhlit)

Identity: Reverted

Occupation: Mercenary

Likes: Whoring
            Getting drunk

Dislikes: His own people

Also known as: Southern Fox
                           Black Tactician

Elemental affinity: Spring

Physical affinity: Tome

Anchor: Circle of Trees

Notable equipment: Library of War (Relic; Concept)
                                   Teutonian Longbow
                                   Sudhlit dagger

Reverted traits: Leylining


Age: ~30

Race: Human (Causacean)

Identity: Reverted

Occupation: Mercenary (Knightroses)

Likes: Own show of strength
            Humiliating arrogant people
            Talking to Aeravor
            Her subordinates

Dislikes: Men of Redmarch (especially Deios Symon)
                Misfortune befalling her subordinates

Also known as: Knightqueen
                           Yvian Lews
                           Crazy Bitch

Elemental affinity: Summer

Physical affinity: Spear

Anchor: Circle of Speech

Notable equipment: Golden Thorn of Mortality (Relic; Spear)
                                   Crimson Barb of Fatality (Relic; Spear)

Reverted traits: Rousing Shout


Ioin de Bladefort
Age: ~240

Race: Elf

Identity: Unchanged

Occupation: Mercenary (Swordcloaks)

Likes: Duelling

Dislikes: None

Also known as: Swordlord
                           Living Death
                           God of Fear

Elemental affinity: Winter

Physical affinity: Sword

Anchor: Circle of Ice

Notable equipment: Elven sabre

Reverted traits: Voidmind
                            Absolute Antithesis
                            Magic usage

P.S: It's official. MG Chan has loaded his machine gun with the only decent opposition voice so far supplying additional ammo.

Add P.S: Moral of the story?

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